Wormshop 2024

Invited Talks

Atomization alternatives in the Russell-Prawitz translation

Gilda Ferreira1
1 University of Lisbon

on  Thu, 13:30for  45min

In this presentation, we explore various versions of the Russell-Prawitz translation, which maps intuitionistic propositional calculus to second-order propositional logic. The target system, introduced independently by Jean-Yves Girard and John Reynolds, is known as System F or polymorphic lambda-calculus. We analyze some properties of System F and the translation, with a focus on atomic polymorphism and atomization conversions. Our investigation examines the impact of introducing new atomization conversions to System F [2] and the more radical option of replacing System F with an atomic polymorphic target system. Specifically, we cover:

This exploration includes significant joint work with José Espírito Santo.


[1] J. Espírito Santo, G. Ferreira, A refined interpretation of intuitionistic logic by means of atomic polymorphism, Studia Logica, 108, pp. 477-507, 2020.

[2] J. Espírito Santo, G. Ferreira, The Russell-Prawitz embedding and the atomization of universal instantiation, Logic Journal of the IGPL, 29(5), pp. 823-858, 2021.

[3] J. Espírito Santo, G. Ferreira, How to avoid the commuting conversions of IPC, 48 pages. (submitted)

[4] F. Ferreira, Comments on predicative logic, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 35, pp. 1–8, 2006.

[5] F. Ferreira, G. Ferreira, Atomic polymorphism, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 78(1), pp. 260-274, 2013.

[6] P. Pistone, L. Tranchini, M. Petrolo, The naturality of natural deduction (II): On atomic polymorphism and generalized propositional connectives, Studia Logica, 110, pp. 545-592, 2022.

(Download the slides.)
